PFP will promote good governance and strengthen institutions to earn the people’s trust in their government and political systems, and effectively implement our policies. PFP will build strong institutions and provide better public governance to eradicate the corrosive culture of corruption – which is the abuse of public power for private gain.
We will know good governance by its fruit – when development outcomes are achieved with adherence to key principles and values of compassion, voice, accountability, fairness, legitimacy and rule of law.
The impact of Covid19 has made inclusive partnerships and co-operation more critical in a globalized interdependent world, Out motto “together, we can” is about partnerships and collaborations so we build better together as we put people at the center of economic recovery and work towards achieving our shared-vision and the Sustainable Development Goals.
People First Party will provide visionary, nationalistic, God-fearing and strong development-oriented political leadership. We will raise a new brand of people-focused servant leadership to lead the country into the future.