According to Transparency International’s 2020 Corruption Perception Index [CPI], Papua New Guinea ranked 142 out of 180 countries, with a score of 27 out of 100 that classified it as a “highly corrupt” country. People First Party will ensure PNG’s CPI is improved through better public governance at both the national and sub-national levels of government.
PFP will build strong institutions and provide better public governance to eradicate the corrosive culture of corruption – which is the abuse of public power for private gain.
We will institutionalize our efforts to eradicate corruption through policies such as ICAC, Unexplained Wealth Legislation, Whistle Blowers Act, and their effective enforcement. We will invest in Information & Communication Technology [ICT] and digital systems to improve governance and fight corruption, with particular focus on how government contracts are procured, projects implemented and monitored.
There is zero tolerance for corruption with People First Party.