PFP envisions that by 2032, Papua New Guinea will have a world-class healthcare system that is managed by highly qualified healthcare professionals and is accessible by all our people as well as the people of the Pacific, and also contribute significantly as a revenue-earning industry, through health related tourism.
Our goal is to reverse Papua New Guinean’s current worst health indicators by ensuring our people enjoy their fundamental right to primary healthcare for free.
We will:
1.Establish Level 4 District Hospitals in every district;
2.Build regional hospital in New Guinea Islands;
3.Build two Level 7 super specialist hospitals in Port Moresby and Lae for secondary healthcare needs like cancers, kidney and heart diseases and eye care;
4.Increase health professionals manpower;
5.Provide health determinants like safe water and sanitation and decent income so people can access good nutrition to eradicate child malnutrition and improve health and well-being;
6. Improve maternal and infant mortality.