Our Shared-Vision
To Secure Papua New Guinea’s Economic Independence by 2032

Papua New Guinea gained political independence in 1975 upon the aspirations of our founding fathers as stated in our National Constitution or “Mama Law”, with five (5) National Goals and Directive Principles in the Preamble – integral human development; equality and participation; national sovereignty and self-reliance; wise use of natural resources and the environment; and Papua New Guineans ways.
The third goals states:
“We declare our third goal to be for Papua New Guinea to be politically and economically independent, and our economy basically self-reliant”
People First Party [PFP] shares this vision of an economically independent and self-reliant Papua New Guinea, at both individual and national level.
Today, PNG’s political and socio-economic development indicators tell the story that despite the 46 years of political independence, 40% of Papua New Guineans still live in poverty. The extraction and development of the country’s rich natural endowments has not translated into economic self-sufficiency and a high quality of life for all citizens. PNG increasingly finds itself without the internal revenue and fiscal capacity to fund basic services for it’s rapidly-increasing population.
Recently, the Covid19 pandemic exposed PNG’s existing weak healthcare system that was unable to cope with the impacts of the pandemic, causing thousands of preventable deaths. Forty percent [40%] of Papua New Guineans already living below the poverty line were forced deeper into poverty, and unemployment and fiscal debt skyrocketed. These challenges amplified the voices of Papua New Guineans who want greater economic security and opportunities – for themselves and their country.
It is during this unprecedented time of crisis, disruption and uncertainty that the People First Party has been re-established to provide the vision, leadership and a policy roadmap for a better future. Our people’s voices ignited the vision of our founding fathers to have economic independence. Thus, our National Goals and Directive Principles are the foundation of our Party’s vision and key policy platforms.
We hope this vision mobilizes the hearts and minds of Papua New Guineans to rethink our path to recovery. People First Party will provide visionary, nationalistic, decisive and strong development-oriented political leadership.
Our post-Covid19 innovative policies and strategies aim to make our shared-vision of making Papua New Guineans and their country economically independent by 2032 a reality.
Together, we can, through partnerships and shared-responsibility.